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Begin the program with a 60-90 minute in-person coaching and health assessment session with your health coach.


This session, combined with a review of your blood work results from your physical examination with a primary care provider, will help you discover opportunities for improving your health.


In the “Encounter” step of the program, you will identify two (2) health and wellness goals to address throughout the year.


Consistency and accountability are keys to your success in adopting a healthy lifestyle.


In the “Coach” step of the program, you will work with your health coach to determine the frequency and method of your follow-up assessments. Follow-ups can be completed in person, over the phone or by email, with a minimum of three (3) health coaching sessions each year.


You will also receive health information, support, strategies, and resources to connect to and reach your goals.


The journey of healthy living is a process. Through the coordination of health assessment, health education, goal setting, establishing and maintaining healthy living, you will have the tools to feel better and live longer.


In the “Rejoice” step of the program, you will find the joyful benefits of the wellness program to your life.

Success is just three steps away!

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